Peterlee Business Park Group Celebrates First Anniversary


BUSINESSES are being invited to help shape the future of their industrial landscape by joining the Peterlee Business Park Group, which is celebrating its first anniversary.

The group was set up to generate growth and establish a stronger, unified voice for the area.

Peterlee Business Park Group was established by Business Durham to encourage companies across Peterlee’s four industrial estates and two business parks to share ideas, best practice and identify future opportunities, which will strengthen the area’s offering regionally, nationally and internationally.

Since being set up 12 months ago, the its focus has been to address and resolve issues which members felt affected the image of the South East, South West, North East and North West industrial estates and Bracken Hill and Whitehouse Way Business Park. These issues have included traffic congestion, road markings, illegal parking, litter, fly tipping, dog fouling and broadband connectivity in the area.

As it enters its second year, the group aims to turn its attention to supporting business growth and increasing membership so more companies across the area benefit.

peterlee business group - Peterlee Business Park Group Celebrates First Anniversary
Bill Marley of Sotech with Richard Egginton from The Employability Trust.

*** Peterlee Business Park Group’s next meeting is on Thursday, October 24, from 8.30am to 10.30am at The Employability Trust on the South West Industrial Estate and businesses who have yet to register are being invited to sign up. Details can be found at the bottom of the release. ***

Dr Simon Goon, Managing Director of Business Durham, will be speaking at the meeting to highlight the group’s achievements in its first 12 months and outline the aims and challenges for the next chapter.

He said: “When it launched a year ago, Peterlee Business Park Group’s members expressed their desire to focus on the housekeeping of the area – addressing those things which they felt were letting the image of the area down. We are now asking them to think about the next chapter because we want the group to become the voice for all businesses in the area; we want those involved to share opportunities, where possible outsource work to other members of the group and overall, create a more joined up approach to the way the area is marketed.

Businesses who attend the next meeting will be given the chance to network over breakfast and find out more about the County Durham Plan and the vision for East Durham between now and 2030.

Richard Egginton is Business Systems Manager at manufacturing firm Sotech Ltd, which has been a member of Peterlee Business Park Group since its launch in 2012. He said:

“It was quite clear from an early stage that local businesses had a number of issues they felt needed to be addressed, but independently could not do a great deal about them. However, by joining together and with support from Durham County Council we’ve been able to resolve them which makes for a better, more successful business environment.”

Bill Marley, Chief Executive of The Employability Trust in Peterlee which is hosting the next meeting of the Peterlee Business Group, said:

“I really believe passionately in businesses working together for the good of the area and that’s something we need to do better; too many companies are guilty of being insular in their approach which is a mindset this group wants to change. Peterlee has massive potential and if some of the big hitters and the smaller, home-grown companies which are thriving can be joined up in their approach, we can go a long way to raising this area’s profile and highlighting to other businesses just what Peterlee has to offer.”

If you wish to attend the next meeting of the Peterlee Business Group contact Liam Goodfellow, Business Development Support at Business Durham, on email [email protected] or call 03000 261176.

To find out more about Peterlee Business Group please contact Leanne English, Director of LEC Consultancy, on 07824 631950 or email [email protected].

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