A Student’s Thinking


As a third year student, the idea of entering into the real world of jobs and recruitment is a scary one. I’ve been working since I was 16 in typical student jobs such as restaurants, bars and shops and so when it comes to finding a ‘real’ job I don’t know where to start. I’m now 21!

Now is the time that final year students desperately scramble to Google screaming “Graduate Opportunities” and “Internships” with a vague idea of where to go next. Until recently, I had no idea about Human Resources or recruiting except for friend of mine who had used an HR company to find some summer work but this was something my Dad would mention but I never took the time to investigate or even understood. Only with my internship with Exclusive Ltd, has this come to light.

Ive been working with Exclusive for a month or so now and I have learnt some valuable lessons which they use to do their very best for clients and its something that students and experienced employees can use.

  • Make your CV shine.
  • You never know what is around the corner. One days failure is another days success. Learn from your mistakes and throw yourself back into it.
  • Confident persistence. Believe in what you’re doing and go for it. Just because Company A turns you down, get the feedback and go in even stronger to Company B.

In this next year, I will be looking to find something I really want to enjoy working with. I am an SEO intern, something I have never done before but through Exclusive Ltd, I have been introduced to something that really interests me and something which I would like to continue in the future.We students are a funny bunch of excitement, enthusiasm and unrefined charm but now that University is almost out of the way, the world of work is waiting for us to make our mark. I once saw a greeting card which laughed at Graduates and I have heard about recruiters reluctance to approach students who want to be spoon fed, but now as the graduation period comes closer, give students a thought or two as the new breed in your company and how their fresh, uncut teeth can make a difference in your company.

Image: winnond / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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