Competition: The North East Next Top Dog Model

north east dog competition 2013

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We are currently on the search for The North East Next Top Dog Model

Got a handsome hound or a pretty pooch?

We are on the search to find ‘The North East Next Top Dog Model‘ in association with Star Paws Pet Photography. Find Star Paws online and on Facebook.

The competition will officially launch on Friday 1st June.  (Although you can upload photographs before this date if you wish).

The closing date for entries is the 15th June, whereby our online voting system will open.

The top 5 photographs as voted by you will then be displayed on our website for a judging panel to decide on a winner.

 *The Prize*

The winner as chosen by our judges will become the face of The North East Dog Directory but they will also win a Star Paws at home or out on location photo-shoot, plus a 16×12 canvas, plus a 6×4 acrylic block (Worth over a whopping £250).

Click to see some of Star Paws work on their Facebook page.

*How To Enter*

1. It’s so easy to enter, just sign up for a free account.

2. Upload your photograph

3. Tell us a bit about your dog, and why they should become The North East Next Top Dog Model.


You must be a resident of the North East Region to take part in this competition; a maximum of 2 photographs per dog. Make sure you include your dogs name and region somewhere in the content of your description.  

Competition Flyer

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We also have another competition running until the end of May with a fantastic prize.

To mark the launch of our website, we have a fantastic competition for our users. The very talented Kate Simpson has kindly donated her time for a beautiful A3 commission for one very lucky dog owner. 

How to enter-  We are looking for the regions best and most beautiful dog friendly walks. Visit our website, create an account and upload your favourite walk! The best walk will be picked by Kate, so make sure you tell us why you and your dog love it;

This competition will close at the end of May 2012. 


About Our Directory

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