Special Charm To Raise Funds For Inncurable Illness

sma charm - Special Charm To Raise Funds For Inncurable Illness
Shannon and Jaiden

A NOMINATION charm which will raise much-needed funds to help researchers find a cure for Spinal Muscular Atrophy is being created in memory of a baby boy who lost his battle with the condition.

Jaiden Dale was eight months old when he passed away after bravely fighting the genetic illness. Since then his mother Shannon Wright has been fundraising in her son’s memory.

Now, after months of communication with Nomination Italy, which specialises in bespoke creations which tell a story, and Market Cross Jewellers, the ‘SMA’ charm in honour of Jaiden has been designed and will be manufactured if enough orders come in.

Shannon said: “Nomination Italy have a minimum amount of orders that we need to reach before the charm will be released so we need to reach that target as soon as possible. I really want that to happen as the charm will be a lasting memory to all parents, families and friends who have lost a loved one to SMA.

“For every order placed, £2 will go straight to the SMA Trust which will go a long way to helping with their research into finding a cure for the illness.”

sma charm appeal - Special Charm To Raise Funds For Inncurable Illness
The SMA charm

Spinal Muscular Atrophy is a devastating disease which is the leading genetic killer of babies. It affects motor neurons in the spinal cord which results in muscular weakness, disability and eventually premature death. Of the most severely diagnosed, 80 per cent won’t reach their first birthday.

The charm which Shannon has created is available on Market Cross Jewellers’ website, and orders can also be placed at the Peterlee branch in Castle Dene Shopping Centre. The charm is available for those who already have a bracelet, however if you do not have a nomination bracelet you can buy the SMA charm with a starter bracelet.

Shannon added: “After losing my son in such a cruel way I swore that I would do as much as possible to raise awareness of SMA and support the work of the SMA Trust.  If I can make just a small difference to their work so eventually no other baby has to struggle and no other parent has to suffer the heartache, I know I’ll have made Jaiden proud.

“Please get your orders for the charm in now and know you too will be making a difference to the fantastic work of the SMA Trust.”

To interview Shannon  or for more information contact Leanne English, Director of LEC Consultancy, on 07824 631950 or email [email protected]

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