A Guide to Team Building Events


team building event guide - A Guide to Team Building Events

Organising a team building event

The phrase team building is passed around quite a bit — but is it just corporate jargon? If the statistics are anything to go by, it seems not.

Team building events have many benefits. Not only do they improve communication and problem-solving skills, they break down barriers and motivate staff. All of this can have a huge impact on a business:

  • Companies with engaged employees generates 2.5 times more revenue than companies with disengaged employees.
  • Companies that communicate effectively are 4.5 times more likely to retain the best employees.

Clearly, organising a team building event is a worthwhile endeavour but, as these events usually take place during work hours, it’s important that they are properly hosted to ensure valuable time is not wasted.

Here, we discuss some of the considerations you’ll need to think about before your host your next team building event:

Identify aims and objectives

A team building event without set aims and objectives can be a recipe for disaster and a total waste of your time. Before you host any event, ask yourself what you want your staff members to achieve — do they need to improve their communication skills? Are they lacking when it comes to problem solving? Work out what the focus is and what you want the outcome to be and design a team building activity that will achieve this.

Time it right

The key to a successful team building event is getting your timescales right. Don’t drag an event out all day if it could be held just as effectively in a morning or afternoon slot. Hosting an event that’s longer than it needs to be is a definite way to disengage your staff, which could counteract the whole purpose of your event.

Arrange refreshments

If your event does need to run all day, you’ll need to provide refreshments to keep your staff comfortable. Providing lunch on site is a much better option to letting staff go out to buy their own. This eliminates late returnees, who could possibly delay the session from restarting.

When providing lunch, make sure you invest in some disposable catering supplies to make clearing up easier and stick to food that will appeal to all. Sandwiches, crisps and fruit should do the trick, but remember to consider special dietary requirements too.

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