What I’m having for my breakfast next week!!


I get a lot of questions from the guys at fitnesscampacademy.com about breakfast ideas, if you read my last article about what to eat and what not to eat you’ll know that if you eat cereal for breakfast you might as well eat the box as it’s got just about the same nutritional value!! And as for toast and a glass of water, you remember that flour and water ‘glue’ your mam used to make you when you were a kid yeah? Well do you really want to be eating glue as that’s pretty much what you will be!!

Anyway, I’ve been shopping today and thought I’d share with you what I’m going to have for my breakfast every day next week…. 

Breakfast - What I’m having for my breakfast next week!!

Now each of my breakfast choices is going to tick all the following boxes, it’s going to contain some good fats, some low GI carbs, some protein, some greens, it’s going to taste good, not spike my insulin and hopefully keep me satisfied till lunchtime!!

Monday – this is a busy morning for me, I’ll be teaching at fitnesscampacademy.com first thing then follow it up with my own tough training session, so today’s breakfast will consist of my post workout rice and pea protein shake followed a little later by some Sushi. I’ll be getting some carbs from the sushi rice; I’ll have trained hard so I’m cool with the sushi rice here as it’s post workout. Some good fats and protein from the salmon and other fish in there plus I’ll also have a greens drink too. By the way, Asda do a cool veggie sushi too!!

Tuesday – I’m going to make an extra portion of quinoa with Monday night’s evening meal and leave it till Tuesday morning. I’ll then mix it with a little coconut milk, some defrosted frozen berries and a handful of nuts that I’ll have soaked overnight too along with an avocado. Once again I’ll be having a greens drink, the one I go for is Lean Green’s you can pick that up here http://www.leangreens.co.uk/ – it taste’s awesome!!

Wednesday – I’ll be training again first thing Wednesday morning, so breakfast afterwards will be one of my most favourite breakfasts!! Today I’ll be shooting for a breakfast smoothie – I’ll add a handful of frozen berries and a lump of frozen spinach to a blender, add in some coconut or almond milk, a tablespoon of Udo’s choice oil, a banana and a scoop of brown rice protein (I get this from myprotein.com). Sounds a bit strange but actually tastes lush as you can’t taste the spinach, protein powder etc!! Takes less than 10 minutes to make too!!

Check out the video here and you’ll see just how easy it is!! How to make a fat burning breakfast smoothie

Thursday – This is a rest day for me so I’ll have a little more time today so I’ll be shooting for a stir fry in coconut oil with rice noodles. I’ll either throw in some prawns I’ll have defrosted overnight or some tofu if I decide to shoot for a veggie option. I’ll also have a tablespoon of Udo’s oil too.

Friday – Once again I’ll be up early to teach this morning’s fitnesscampacademy.com so I’ll be going for another breakfast smoothie. This time I’ll use frozen berries, some frozen spinach, coconut or almond milk, an avocado, fresh mango and again a scoop of brown rice protein. If any of you girls are looking to drop fat from your thighs and ass these smoothies are awesome opportunities to get in an extra serving of watercress or broccoli. (Watercress & broccoli contain indole-3-carbinol, which detoxifies oestrogen levels and is therefore pretty cool at helping to get rid of stubborn fat from these areas!)

Saturday – Today I’m going to have an omega 3 veggie omelette, made with 4 omega 3 eggs and some spinach and maybe throw in some chopped peppers if I’ve got any left.

Sunday – again I’ll be going for a stir fry with rice noodles, I’ll also take in some omega 3 fish oil capsules too.

So there you have it, my breakfast choices for next week and not a single slice of toast or bowl of cereal in there!! Just healthy nutritious food!! Stick a few of these ideas on your shopping list this weekend and try out some of these breakfast ideas next week!!

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