How To Eat More, Exercise Less And Look Fantastic!


It’s frustrating when you go to the gym regularly, you eat pretty well but you still don’t seem to get anywhere yet everyone else around you is getting noticeable results! I know! If you’ve read some of my previous blog posts you’ll know I went through that exact same frustration for about three years, until I finally discovered the solution! It was actually discovering the solution to this and how I could change people’s lives by helping them to apply it that really inspired me to become a trainer in the first place!

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Anyway back to where I was – so if you’re like me you’ve probably tried lots of different programs, bought the usual Health and Fitness Magazines and tried out the programs and diets in them. Maybe you go to just about every class going in the gym too? Yep, I’ve been there – I was once addicted to Bodypump, Boxerfit and Spinning classes and would do every one I possibly could ! In fact I’d often do two or even three sessions in a row, as at the time I thought the more I do the better my results would be right?!? Wrong!! At one point I’d even at one point hired a personal trainer in the hope they could help me to achieve the body I wanted, but it still wasn’t happening!

Now when it came to nutrition I’d follow this plan and that diet, perhaps you’ve done the same? This diet club, that meal plan, the other diet club but you’re still not seeing those fantastic results!

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Basically I found the solution, and believe it or not I was actually Eating More, Exercising Less and got into the best shape I’d ever been in! Pretty cool yeah?!

Let’s just to go back to January the 1st for a minute, did you set a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, maybe improve your fitness, or get that fantastic body? How are you doing with it?

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My new years resolution is to help as many women and men in the North East as I possibly can achieve the weight loss or fitness results they truly deserve. And this summer I want to step that up a gear so I’ve teamed up with colleague and Fitness Camp Academy’s female fat loss expert Lauren Sutherland to deliver a totally FREE seminar to show you just how easy it is to Eat More, Exercise Less and get that body you’ve always desired!

The FREE Seminar is on Monday August 20th at the MPH Training and conference Centre in Gateshead.

We’ve got nothing at all to sell, there’s going to be no buy this or enrol on this program for a massive discount pitch at the end! That’s right we’re selling absolutely nothing at the end of this seminar! We’re both giving up 2 hours of our own time to reach out and help as many people as we can this summer. Everyone who attends will also get a free 14 day nutrition and exercise plan that you can start using the very next day!

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in you can read a little more about it here, alternatively hit the link below to register your free place(s)

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If you’ve got any questions at all, please drop me a message to [email protected]

Till next time,



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