The North East HUB and NEFollowers named Top Tweeters


The Journal has ended this year’s search for the most influential people on twitter in the north east region (#NETwitterati).

We are delighted both The North East HUB and NEFollowers were named as being top north east networking influences on the twitter social networking platform.

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netwitterati the north east hub nefollowers twitter - The North East HUB and NEFollowers named Top Tweeters

The North East HUB was born from a small project idea Dr Donna Petch had after completing a 3 year cancer research post in Leeds, and PhD in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Sunderland. After injecting lots of time, energy and dedication into the project, it grew quickly and fast became a full-time job.

Donna said “My previous experiences with running several music festivals, promoting a band and taking part in social events helped build my knowledge and skills with social media and advertising.”

“These skills I was able to implement immediately from the start of The North East HUB and grow the business quickly.”

The North East HUB works 24/7 (minus a few winks of sleep) to help raise the profile of the North East with the help of a large social media following, website and newsletters.

“I help businesses with their social media to advertising campaigns to consultations; my job is very exciting and I love it!”

“In 3 years The North East HUB has worked with over 700 north east businesses, events and charities, which is amazing! Also last year I expanded into the north west with The North West HUB.”

If that wasn’t enough earlier this year Donna took over @NEFollowers on twitter and created #NEFollowers hour, a networking hour held every Thursday 2-3PM, here local people can make connections and take part in weekly topics. #NEFollowers has quickly joined the list of popular twitter hours.

“Social Media is a fantastic way to spread a message and when used in the correct way it can be invaluable.”

Donna’s top five recommendations are:






Thanks to everyone who voted and congratulations to everyone else!


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