Blood Brothers


We had a little Sun FM outing last night and went to see Blood Brothers at the Sunderland Empire.  I’d seen it before when I was at school because it was the play we decided to put on in year 11.  It didn’t actually make it to the production because someone burned down the hall… not me I hastened to add.

The play was fantastic.  It was weird because even though I’ve not seen/read it in over 10 years, I could still remember every line and song.  The cast were amazing, Marti Pellow playing the narrator was excellent (although his Scouse accent did seem to slip into Glaswegian now and again!), he looked quite hot in his suit 😉 and his voice was as good as we all remember it from the Wet Wet Wet days.

The star of the show has to be the guy who plays Mickey though; Sean Jones.  It’s a credit to most of the cast that they can go from playing young children, to adults but Sean is completely believable from lovable rogue to awkward teen to broken adult.  Kelly-Anne Gower, who plays Linda stood out as well for her versatility (and to the lads, probably for her legs, they went on forever!).

There wasn’t a single moment when we weren’t all engrossed in the story which had us roaring with laughter and at times even brought some to tears.  The cast received a thoroughly deserved standing ovation and even though it was a late one for those of us up for the Breakfast Show the next morning, it was well worth it to see such an excellent performance.

Blood Brothers runs at the Sunderland Empire  until the end of next week.  Don’t miss it.

Twitter: @MarieGardiner

Image: Stuart Miles /

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Comments (3)

Blood brothers is brilliant… too far for me to go and see but recommend to anyone 🙂

Great review

Sounds very interesting. I love live theatre, it adds a dimension that you just don’t get with cinema or tv.

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