Everyone week I read through dozens of social media articles for the latest tips, advice and updates. I’d like to share with you my top articles this week from The Journal, Facebook and Twitter.
1. The Most Influential People in the North East, 2013 – Including NETwitterati
Here you will find a list of all most influential business people (male and female) in the north-east, in The Journal. You might be there yourself? (Pages 1 – 48)
At the end of this list is another list of most influential people on twitter in the north-east across several categories. (Pages 49 – 65) We are very happy to be listed in the Networking category (Page 54) along side northeasthour, north-east tweets, inspire network and darlo biz.
In all a great read and very informative.
2. Facebook Is Making Life Easier for Social Media Managers
Facebook has made two updates to its page composer this week. Now instead of taking 12 steps to schedule a post it will now only be 4! This makes it easier to schedule posts without using a third-party app eg. Hootsuite.
3. The Future of Twitter Events Is Here
On Tuesday Twitter announced a new “Custom Timelines” for developers and third-party sites, effectively this gives event organisers the power to design their own Twitter streams to show the best tweets related to an event.