Upcoming Gig! Outstanding New Bands at the Head of Steam 12th May


In order to give you notice to sort out babysitting, save some cash up, and swot up on some tunes, I’m telling you about this gig well in advance.

Parachutes Promotions are bringing a couple of really great bands to the Head of Steam, Newcastle on the 12th May. Great beer and great new music, what more can you want of a Saturday night in Newcastle?

Ninetails is made up of Ed Black, Jordan Balaber and Jacob King from Liverpool,and Phillip Morris, who is from Durham. They are based in Liverpool and this is their first live venture into the Northeast. This band has been nominated for the GIT awards the “Get Into This” celebration of the best of Merseyside music. Tom Robinson on BBC Radio 6 has been playing their song  ‘Social Guesswork’ from the debut EP “Ghost Ride the Whip” on his “BBC Introducing” show. They also had airplay on Shell Zenner’s first show on Amazing Radio of their song “Rawdon Fever”. I have seen their music described as “Mathrock”. Some of you may know what this means. I don’t! I know that the  music of Ninetails to me is a multilayered, complex and beautiful thing. The group have widely different musical tastes and somehow manage to blend their influences to make something wonderfully harmonic and engaging. I had a little trouble writing this as I listened to “Social Guesswork” and got lost in it. Have a listen to their music on their website http://ninetailsband.co.uk/ Find them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ninetailsband

ninetails1 300x222 - Upcoming Gig! Outstanding New Bands at the Head of Steam 12th May

Tusk are based in Newcastle. Another band with a talent for well crafted tunes and creative use of guitars and bass. Tusk have also been singled out by the BBC for some airplay on BBC6, Tees and Newcastle. Brain-enveloping harmonies and emotive vocals immediately grabbed me and I am very tempted by their CD and T shirts deals on their website: http://wearetusk.bandcamp.com/releases. Superb music.

Tusk1 - Upcoming Gig! Outstanding New Bands at the Head of Steam 12th May

I’m pretty sure both of these bands are going to be big news very soon, and so I want to be there at this gig while people can still afford to put them both on the bill!

Pictures are from the respective band’s websites.

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