Live Review: Lucky Strikes and Kontiki Suite at The Cluny


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I started the weekend with my session with the Acapella Stellas at the Sage, Gateshead. There, the Portuguese song “Sodade” was firmly imprinted on my brain and I’ve been singing it to myself like a madwoman since. The main event of the weekend, however, was the Lucky Strikes at the Jumpin Hot Club at the Cluny on Saturday. They were supported by the excellent Kontiki Suite who made it all the way from Carlisle with their entourage. Kontiki Suite are a group of highly talented men who clearly enjoy their music as much as the audience. They played lush melodic rock in which I heard (this is just me, mind) nods to Tom Petty, The Eagles, The Beatles, country music and a touch of psychedelia.Before the gig I admired the impressive array of guitars including steel, 12 strings and acoustic, These all contributed to a wonderful sound that made me want a CD for my car. I do a lot of music listening on the way to and from work. Unfortunately I’m finding it hard to source their 2009 release “Stars” but you might have more luck. New CD is in the pipeline for an imminent release. Their Facebook page:

The Lucky Strikes surpassed even my expectations from the last time I saw them supporting the reformed and mutated Dogs d’Amour at the O2 Academy back in December. I immediately warmed to their Americana-influenced “swamp rock” and so was keen to see them again. Every single member of this band oozes talent, The fiddle and the mandolin added an edge and a sparkle that eventually resulted in an outbreak of (gosh) dancing in the crowd.Some songs are stories from their Southend base, all are well written lyrically and musically. Check out their blog: there we bought a CD and a book of poetry, always up for something new. An outstanding night of music. If you ever get the chance to see either of these bands, do.

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The Lucky Strikes


I had a couple of very pleasant beers, one of which was Angel by local brewer, Wylam. Good selection of brews at the Cluny.

That’s it for this week. Coming up next week: Animal Antics at the Sage , a show for all the family on Sunday 4th march.

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