Are YOU Fit for Business??


Today’s blog is a little different as I’m going to be focusing on local businesses!!

With that in mind are you a small business owner in the North East? Or perhaps you work in HR for a larger business or organisation? If this is you then please read on…

fit for business - Are YOU Fit for Business??

Statistics show that over 150 million working days where lost last year through sickness and ill health, this equates to 6 days per working adult in the UK! Can you afford NOT to be Fit for Business?

On Thursday 24th May I’ll be speaking at the North East’s EXPOsure event at the Sports Direct Arena in Newcastle on how to get your business Fighting Fit for Business! You can check it out here…

In the 30 minute presentation you’ll learn how making simple changes to your lifestyle will not only improve your health but also that of your family and employees. Improved health not only means less sickness and illness but also more energy, more confidence, less stress and a 30% increase in your productivity – making you Fit for Business!

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You’ll learn the importance of nutrition and exercise on improving your lifestyle and how making these simple changes will not only guard against obesity but also the development of things like depression, Type 2 Diabetes and Heart disease as well as things such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and yes even Cancer! You’ll also learn about the importance of sleep on not only your health but also on the prevention of illness and disease too and not to mention your hormonal balance and what you can do to increase your energy levels and reduce stress.

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If you’re not fortunate enough to be able to attend then stay posted as I’ll be covering some of these topics in future blogs. And if you do head across please call and say hello to Lauren and myself at the FitnessCampAcademy stand at the exhibition!


Speak soon


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