North East Bloggers!


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Are you from the North East?

Do you have a blog?

Post your blog link and promote it here 🙂


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Comments (13)

I’m a happily married mother of two boys and two step boys living in the beautiful North East. I work full time and love making stuff in the spaces between family, work and sleep.

Great blog 🙂

some of my words after trips out and commercial photo doings;-)

I am a writer, and my (new) blog is my fiction, with Audioboo posts attached if you would like to hear them read. I am a prose-poet by trade, but dabble with all kinds of fiction. Newcastle based and North East bred.

Hi all 🙂
I have a food blog which covers reviews of restaurants, cafes, etc. in the north east, a regular ‘what’s on’ feature highlighting foodie events in the region, and the occasional recipe.

This is my business blog. I’m a writer, blogger, editor and proof reader.

Come and have a look!

Always nice to find some fellow North East bloggers. 🙂

Hi Sarah, nice to meet you! I hope you enjoy our posts. Donna 🙂

I’m a new blogger who has just moved to Newcastle. Trying to develop my blogging style but currently my blog is about the financial and social struggle moving to a new city, with hints of reviews/ fashion / crafting.

Hi Ashley, thanks for posting you blog. I hope it goes well 🙂

Bethanie Dennis

Fashion, Food and lifestyle blog in the North East 🙂

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